Contact Lenses

About Contact Lenses

Are there times when you would prefer not to wear your glasses such as sporting events or special occasions? Contact lenses can be a great alternative to glasses for full time wear or occasional use. The availability has grown to be able to fit people with astigmatism, people who need bifocals, dry eye patients and people with corneal problems. At our office we have the latest lens technology for astigmatism, high oxygen gas permeable lenses and bifocal contact lenses.

Most soft contact lenses worn today are disposable. These lenses are replaced on a regular basis; every day, 2 weeks or 1 month depending on the brand and on your needs. Generally a supply of disposable lenses is purchased at one time. The trends in the contact lens industry are moving toward a more disposable market due to ocular health advantages and ease of care. Daily disposable lenses are one of the healthiest ways to wear soft contact lenses.

Almost all types of soft lenses have the capability of correcting astigmatism with what is called a toric lens. These are available in most powers. Many people are told they cannot wear soft lenses due to astigmatism. This is not the case; however, some people are better candidates than others.

Scleral lenses

Scleral lenses are an advanced type of gas permeable lens for patients who may have irregular corneas or a history of corneal disease. These lenses are larger than conventional gas perms and rest on the sclera or white portion of the eye just beyond the iris. They are very comfortable as they do not move much and provide excellent vision.

Bifocal Contact Lenses

If you have “over 40” eyes and are tired of wearing reading glasses, bifocal contact lenses may help you reduce your need for readers. Bifocal lenses are available in both soft and GP materials. These are a great alternative to wearing glasses. If you are a current gas permeable wearer, a bifocal can be designed for you in this type of lens. The vision is very natural and it is very easy to adapt to these lenses.

If you wear soft lenses or have never worn contacts then a soft lens bifocal may be a good option for you. These are available in many different brands and disposable modalities.